Low Vision Care in
San Francisco

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Compassionate Care in a Comfortable Setting

If you have visual challenges that eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery cannot correct, you may benefit from low vision care at Total Vision Financial District. Low vision care can help maximize eyes’ function, make you feel more healthy, and help you become more independent. 

Our optometrists are low vision specialists in San Francisco who can: 

  • Assess your vision
  • Prescribe low vision devices to help improve function
  • Create treatment plans and coordinate with your rehabilitation team 

With proper support, you can maintain an active lifestyle with low vision. Contact our team today for a consultation on how low vision care can help improve your day-to-day life. 

Personalized Consultations

At Total Vision Financial District, you’ll find a staff of experienced and supportive professionals with a toolbox of top-rated diagnostic equipment. We offer personalized consultations and management for your condition in a compassionate and comfortable environment. 

Our personalized consultations can include the following services

  • Conversations about your vision function and social history: What visual functions can you perform on your own, and in what areas do you require assistance? 
  • An assessment of your visual status: This can include your visual acuity, visual field, and contrast sensitivity
  • In-depth education about your condition: The nature of your eye disease, the benefits of low vision therapy or training. 
  • Exploring strategies: Are there aids and adaptions to help manage your condition? 
  • Referrals: You may benefit from occupational therapy or a combination of care, including in-home or outpatient facilities. 

When our optometrists have a better idea about your eyesight, we’ll put together an individualized plan to help manage your condition. The goal is to optimize your visual function, and provide a supportive environment that encourages an improved and active lifestyle.

Your Personalized Plan

We’ll work together with you to develop a management plan. Depending on your eyesight, management plans can include

  • Specialized prescription glasses or contact lenses
  • Optical and electronic magnification devices
  • Assistive technology
  • Glare control with therapeutic filters
  • Contrast enhancement
  • Visual field enhancement 

Our Team is in Your Corner

Whether you’ve been dealing with your condition for a while or have just received a life-changing diagnosis, please know that you are not alone. You may be unsure of what happens next, and that’s totally okay. Total Vision Financial District is here to help. 

If you would like more information about low vision care, call today and book an appointment with our incredible team. We’ll work together to find a management plan that works for your vision. 

Come & See Us

We’re located just down the street from the famous Chinatown Gate entrance, near Union Square. Parking is easy. It’s just across the street at the Stockton/Sutter Garage! 

Our Address

  • 530 Bush Street #101
  • San Francisco, CA 94108

Contact Information

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